
Baby Equipment Rentals & Child Care Services

Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels of Park City, UT offers babysitting services (Park City and Salt Lake City) and baby gear rentals (Park City ONLY) to help make traveling with little ones easy!

Babysitting Services: 435-640-1229 or office@guardianangelbaby.com

Baby Gear Rental: 435-640-1229 or office@guardianangelbaby.com

Baby Quip

Baby Quip is the largest baby gear rental service, now in over 100 cities across US and Canada!
We will deliver, setup and pickup your gear. Choose from a wide assortment of gear, from full size cribs to jogging strollers, car seats and even toy boxes. Our gear is delivered exceptionally clean and safe and is also insured! Pick a time and location and pay securely online.

Welcome to BabyQuip!
CLICK HERE for General Information
“Pack Light, Travel Happy”
Cribs, car seats, high chairs, toys, & more! Airport delivery & pick up are available!

Angelika Roerig
Baby Quip Independent Trusted Partner
CLICK HERE for Information and to Order with Angelika!
Phone: 360-900-8780
Email: babyquip.angelikaroerig@gmail.com
“5⭐ Super Responsive. Luxe brands, Airport deliveries.”


Mother Goose

Mother Goose strives for excellence to ensure that your child or children have the best experience possible to keep them safe, secure, and entertained.

Our Babysitters and Nannies Come To You!
We are a bonded, insured and licensed company. All of our babysitters are required to have 3 references directly related to child care experience. They are all C.P.R. certified, have B.C.I. background checks and are drug tested.

Can’t travel with your child’s high chair, crib, or stroller?
We will deliver the equipment to you! We service Park City, Cottonwood Heights/Salt Lake City and surrounding areas.

Contacts & Terms of Service
If you have a question about an of our services or offerings, please contact one of our managing partners.

Read our Terms of Service for babysitting and child care equipment rentals.

Services Notice
Moose Management Vacation Rentals makes no guarantee, representation or warranty (express or implied) of, or for, any product or service advertised here.
Information on local services is provided for convenience ONLY.
Readers are advised to make choices on local services based on their own research from information provided here or information from other advertising sources.